About Us
Call us on 01706 627 376 or E-mail [email protected]
Fleet Assess was founded by Niven Whiteoak in 2015.
Born into the transport industry, Niven has been around commercial vehicles from early child hood, spending as much time at the family haulage business as possible.
Leaving school, Niven when straight into a work based engineering apprenticeship pursuing his natural ability for engineering however it wasn’t in the transport sector and he really wanted to combine his two interests.
“I couldn’t settle, I knew I wanted to be around trucks but I was struggling to get into the industry. It was the early 90’s and it was a tough time for transport, slowly recovering from the recession. Finally I had an opportunity to carry out some part time technical work for a local trailer manufacturer. I would work all day at my full time engineering job, then turn up at Wilson Trailers at 7pm for a couple of hours every evening – Saturdays too. This went on for months until finally I was offered a full time role.”
From there Niven progressed being given the opportunity to cover most areas of the business manufacturing trailers, drawbar outfits and rigid bodywork.
After 10 years he moved from transport manufacturing to the operational side of the industry. For nearly 14 years Niven held the post of Operations & Engineering Manager at Bell Trailer Rental Ltd.
“We grew the fleet to over 1500 trailers with practically the same small team, together we really built a top class, customer service driven company – something I drive forward now within my own business”
Not everyone takes this approach. We have the attitude, drive and attention to detail that gives our customers the confidence that they can pass a job to us, and we will manage and monitor it so it happens the way they expect it too, and importantly, if its not going to plan we will tell you in advance.
“………I’ve made lots of friends in this industry, it’s not something I could ever leave”
If you want to hear more about Fleet Assess and how they can help your business call Niven on 07747 032 476 or email [email protected]